Thoughts from the mind of Ben Welby

Tag: March 3

‘What’s broken?’ – Mel Griggs

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Solutions for a Broken World (#fabworld)

This is a live blogged summary of what Mel Griggs said during his talk. It therefore doesn’t really hang together particularly well but might provide useful thoughts for you to jump off with.

Themes and issues for Mel to tackle.

Power and influence
The largely Christian world has seen its foundations are built on sand. Not spending time on money but trust and other things. Our problems are vast.

Greek and Italian governments fell, not by the electorate but by bond traders who forced interest rates so high that they had to step aside. Continue reading

Introduction: The Bishop of Selby

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Solutions for a Broken World (#fabworld)

He thinks the churches have been very silent
We’re in dangerous waters because money is very difficult but the easy strapline what would Jesus do is too simplistic.
In fact noone could predict Jesus himself and he got annoyed when he heard about people wrong.
Jesus usually replies when someone asks him about that issue over there, the woman in adultery, he asks for us to look at ourselves. Continue reading